2024 Louisville Metro Council May 21 Primaries

We now turn our attention to Louisville’s Metro Council race. It’s not the November election that matters, it’s the Primary this May! Mark your calendars for May 21, 2024 and make sure everyone you know gets out and votes. 

Like other races, Jefferson county’s metro council districts have become so gerrymandered that whoever wins the primaries for the few Democratic districts we have left left, will win the seat, often unopposed, in the November election. That’s why this race is critical, and we don’t want to waste a moment in raising awareness. And in order to raise awareness, we have to raise funds.

Before you read any further, please be thinking about how you can best support these candidates. They don’t have the same deep pockets and veiled threats, as their dark-money sponsored, deep-seated, corrupted, incumbents. Maybe you could buy a supportive, conversation starter, tshirt to wear to the next public forum, family reunion or church gathering. Maybe you could make calls or donate your time or services to our PAC’s Chief Organizer, Jeff Compton. If none of the above float your boat, you could always make a donation. To make it easy, we’re going to drop the button right here:

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about this year’s PAC PICKS. Not everyone who asks gets our endorsement. And sometimes, we give our endorsement even when not asked. In fact, we often endorse the underdog, as long as they are aligned with the mission and vision of our coalition, even if they ask us not to! We endorse the candidates that share our vision and value of liberation and justice, for the children, by any and ALL means necessary!

Our Decision Making Council is currently considering endorsements for the May 21 Primary. To request our endorsement and a marketing expenditure valued at up to $599, please send an email to moderator

Please sign up to stay in the loop. Please make a donation to help us get our message out about the best candidates to further The Peoples Agenda.

And in case you meant to make a donation but haven’t yet, or you wanted to know more about how your money was being spent, hopefully this answers your questions. We are consensus-driven, ground-up coalition building, hands-on organizers, but on the rare occasion we cannot agree on strategy, endorsements or spending decisions, we employ the wisdom of our Decision Making Council. Our bylaws dictate these rules, and we are always looking for new members. Sign up for emails and you will be notified when the next window of opportunity opens.


May 1 is when we will announce our endorsements. Check back then!

About Our Endorsements

As a PAC that is governed by KY Campaign Finance Laws, we are very careful not to “coordinate” with candidates once they file for a regulated office. We often endorse former team members, but all marketing, strategy, and financial decisions are those of the PAC board, and not the campaign or the candidate. 

Sometimes, candidates don’t want our endorsement, believe it or not, but we say what we feel, and we feel these candidates are the best candidates, regardless of any council member’s current or past relationship with us, good or bad. Remember, candidates are not allowed to “coordinate” with PACs so requests to endorse or not to endorse or how to frame the candidate’s campaign are at the sole discretion of the PAC.

Send us your recommendations and rationales, or if you are a candidate seeking endorsement and complimentary marketing and campaign strategy consulting, email moderator@thepeoplesagenda.net. If you would like a quote for printing, tshirts, yard signs, or to set up a no-risk fundraiser, please email moderator@dearjcps.com. Thank you!