The Legislative Committee of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (501c3), as well as the Education Committee for the Coalition for the People’s Agenda (501c4) began meeting in June of 2021 to prepare for the upcoming General Assembly, which is expected to be brutal. Of most urgent concern to the Education and Legislative Committees is the recent pre-filed bills to ban the teaching of CRT or anything that encourages diversity, equity and inclusion. Below are recordings of some of those meetings and conversations. For an invite to our next meeting, please contact Tyra Walker.

Below are the slides outlining the Coalition’s 3-Pronged Approach to Defeating Anti-CRT Legislation.

A state-wide coalition is forming. Watch the video to learn where you fit in:

Meeting Archives:

During our June 10, 2021 meeting, JCPS School Board Member Corrie Shull was our guest. Check out some of the information he shared about the district’s plans to rely on the business community to stave off legislation to ban the teaching of racial injustices in American History.

Hear an edited version of this meeting by listening to our 6-17-21 podcast.

On June 17, 2021, the legislative committee met again. The Education Committee also continued to meet.

On June 24, the People’s Agenda discussed the patterns of specific oppressive events in JCPS, such as derailing the renaming of Jefferson Traditional Middle School. Consensus around the theme, strategy, and messaging of our All History Matters campaign continued to build.

During the Alliance’s June 28, 2021 Legislative Committee meeting, JCPS School Board Member Sarah McIntosh was our guest.

On July 23, 2021, Senator Neal joined the Legislative Committee to discuss strategy regarding the anti-CRT legislation with those who signed up to speak at an upcoming JCPS Board meeting.

Here is video from events that took place at that board meeting, as well as guest speakers.

Please accept our invitation to join our coalition. Watch this video for more information or contact Gay Adelmann at (502) 565-8397 or